Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Is it Tuesday already

Boy what a Monday we had!!! Little Betty Bell was giviing her little legs a work out, she was like a busy bee all day running from one room to another!!! She got 2 room finished and finally left at 8 pm. Its all coming together, slow but getting there. Dan loaded and unloaded all day, things going to storage and things coming to the store, what a day!!!
We got our signs yesterday from Pack Racing in Independence, they do a great job and now they are working on our Big Sign for the post out front, repainting and lettering it. So watch for our new sign in the fron yard.
We got to talk to Danny our mailman yesterday, he stopped by to pick up all the packages that we shipped for the website. Website is picking up daily and so glad we have that source of income. Please know that our website is safe and secure and we pay out bunches to make it that way. So remember we sell in 2 locations so if you see it and want it, you better get it. Some things we can't get again.
Crocketts Country Store

See you all again tomorrow, maybe Dan will have some pictures to post.

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